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What is Neuralink chip ?

 Do you know about cyborgs. If anyone gives you a chance to become cyborg, will you?          In this blog, we're going to see what is Neuralink and how it's working. Neuralink, the Elon Musk company that Reuters reported on Monday is the target of a federal investigation over its animal trial program, has been trying to develop a brain chip that would enable the paralyzed to walk and the blind to see. How will the chip fix in brain?   It is a 30 minutes operation. A surgical robot implant the the chip in the brain. Before this  operation anesthesia will give to to the person. So he doesn't  feel any pain.         Neuralink  chip has the charging capability. Absolutely it is wireless charging. How it works in brain ?   Our brain Create  minute( tiny) electric  signal to command body parts. Neuralink chip caught the the signal and process If the blind person has camera. If he connects the camera with chip. The chip sends the visual recorded by the camera  to brain  and make

How to do text to speech in python

 Text to speech using python

>>>from gtts import gTTS
>>> tts = gTTS('python')

Install the module or pip called gtts.From gtts pip import gTTS function.create a variable with any name (example name tts)give a value gTTS('enter what word or paragraph you going to change to speech') and save the variable  like'enter any name with .mp3')


   The file must save before run


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